Monday, November 23, 2015

Your next new toothbrush holder

Hey all!

If you have been following for a while now, you may have seen that a few months back, I got a new toothbrush holder...for $1.  Sounds really corny, but its been a game changer in my bathroom.

Have you ever seen those $1 small tin buckets? Well, these days you can find them EVERYWHERE. And at stores like target or Walmart, they seem to have them out for every seasonal/holiday change. I kept seeing them and thinking how cute they were, but WHAT could I do with it?

I saw one that was geared towards the holidays, and it matched my bathroom decor, so I grabbed it.

These little tin cans are so great for many reasons. They are only about a dollar, so you can buy new ones all the time to change with the seasons or your decor.  And best of all, they have a large open concept mouth.
Usual toothbrush holders have a few holds to put the tooth brushes, and your toothpaste is usually kept somewhere else, or many time just on the counter next to it. Or, you might have a large family, and end up having multiple holders around. Then some toothbrushes will fit the holes and some wont.
Well with these buckets, you can just plop all toothbrushes AND the toothpaste in this tin!!!

Easy!! Fun!! DONE!!

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