Sunday, August 24, 2014

Why I use 5 different calendars

Ever notice how there are some people who are just right on time, and on top of things schedule wise, and then there are other who seem to double book themselves a lot, which results in cancelling plans?  I notice it allllll the time. But that is because I am one of those, who used to always be right on time or early. Then I had kids....and my timing would get a little off.

As the kids grew, our daily schedules started getting filled up even more with school meetings, dance classes, doctors & dentist appointments, birthday parties, etc.  I started to lose track of it all. It got to the point where I need to mark everything on the calendar. But then, I was still messing things up.

Well now,  I realized I have a 5 calendar process. Sounds a little crazy huh? But not really. This is my way of making sure everyone in the house has a place to look up their own things, and a way for me to look at a calendar, when making schedules, without really having to go run into another room.

1 - I have the main calendar in the kitchen, which is for my husband schedule, and all things for the entire family. This is hung in a central location where everyone knows it is and can refer to it.

 2 - I have a one week white board calendar that I change every week, and write the daily items on there, so we can all see it easily. Its hung over the computer, so everyone sees it.

3 - I have a small monthly one that hang right over my computer. This is for work purposes, or when making appointments, so i can glance really fast to just see what day of the week a certain date falls on. Month at a glance.

4 - I have one on my Outlook calendar for work. This has all my work schedules along with reminders like when pay days are, and what appointments I have right after work.

5 - Last, I have a calendar app on my phone. This I try to keep updated, so that when I am out, and someone says "what are you doing on this day", or "are you available on that day"?  This one I rarely refer to, as my life is not all that busy.

I know I just said my life is not that busy, so you are probably wondering why I need 5 calendars then. Problem is, the business of my life is not consistent. So I tend to have a few months where my schedule is wide open, then things get crazy busy again for a few months.

Nobody's perfect, but with all my calendars, I try to pretend that I am sometimes! 

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